Lola got some mail. (Thanks
Hardesters!) And since the package was bigger than she was I had to take a picture.

After the mail photo shoot, I put her in her bouncy seat and she looked so pretty, the photo shoot continued.

I'm sorry, but my baby is beautiful!

Once my picture taking urge was
satisfied I walked away and went to the kitchen, probably to satisfy my chocolate chip urge, but I can't confirm this. While I was stuffing my face, or whatever I was doing in the kitchen, Lola let out a few cries and then quieted down. I didn't stop eating whatever I was eating to see what the problem was because we all know how hungry a nursing mother can get. I am REALLY hungry, ALL THE TIME. But actually, I was probably doing the dishes or scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. When I was done, I wandered back into the living room and this is what I found:
She looked like our old friend One-eyed Jack.
Do you mean One-eyed Willy?
Hillarious- all of it, Julie, the bow, the giant mail, the finger. Love it!!
I love the passive-aggressiveness. Go Lola!!
oh snap! she's got some attitude! love her
oh snap! she's got some attitude! love her
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