Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is what I get.....

For being a good citizen. Last time I went to give blood I got denied because my iron levels were too low.... This time the iron was just fine. (I ate a lot of broccoli this week.) But the chick with the peircings in her face, (one in her upper lip-kinda like a shiny Cindy Crawford mole, and the other in her nostril) gave me a hematoma. Because of this, they only got 1 pint/liter/I don't know what the measurement is but they only got one. At first it didn't hurt, and she kept appologizing, and I kept telling her it was fine. She gave me an ice pack and even though I didn't think it was necessary, I held it on for 10 minutes like she told me to. About one hour later it started to hurt. It doesn't hurt now but here is how it looks today.

Yeah! Big fat bruise! But no, it's not swollen, my arm is just chubby.

he·ma·to·ma (hē'mə-tō'mə) Pronunciation Key n. pl. he·ma·to·mas or he·ma·to·ma·ta (-mə-tə) A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel.


Jeanna said...

I gave blood on my first date with H. I got a hematoma that day too. It was the nastiest looking bruise you ever say, covering the whole antecubital area. When I was at Olive Garden on our date I remember threatening H that if he didn't treat me right I was going to tell the crowd that he had given me the bruise. Doesn't sound as funny now as it was then. Mine didn't hurt either. I was the one who caught it and said something to the phlebotomist like, Hey, um, my arm looks like its leaking blood on the inside. Oops.

Wear your bruise like a badge of honor!

Holley said...

Ouch! I know exactly how you feel. Had one myself a couple of weeks ago. I hope your arm heals quickly!

Becky said...

N-n-n-n-nasty!!! And that is just one reason I CANNOT give blood.