Friday, October 12, 2012

The Bed Time BaBa

Our Lola, who is 22 months now, still drinks out of her baba like a little booze hound... If you substitute booze for milk anyway. She has one bottle that is taller and holds more than the others. We call it her Baby Big Gulp. Back in early April I was toying with the idea of weaning her off, then I lost my baby and so Lola now has the responsibility to continue to be my babykins, so I kept her on the baba. She is such a good babykins. 
She and Matt have a bed time routine that is really effective, efficient and it's just so freakin' cute to see this little tiny girl and her daddy go through the routine. It starts after dinner. She starts it by saying she wants to get out of her high chair. What you need to know is that Lola eats in the nude. She is such a messy eater. She has no reservations when it comes to spitting food out of her mouth. But, she refuses to wear a bib. So, in the best interest of her clothes, she doesn't wear them while she eats meals. Therefore, she goes straight from the dinner table, into the bath. She like the bath. As soon as she's out she gets dried off on her changing table, and without fail, she yawns within one minute of being put on her changing table. She gets her jammies on, she gets her hair and teeth brushed, then they read books. 
Lola LOVES Good Night Gorilla. It's her favorite. They read it every night.
Lola almost always has a baba right before bed. She drinks a little during the books but she drinks most of it after books while the lights are off and her dad cradles her. When I put her to bed, I sing to her while she drinks her baba. Lola LOVES to be sung to. When the baba is gone she is ready to be put in her bed. She is so easy. 
One night back in June I went to the kitchen to make dinner and when I opened the refrigerator I found this:

Apparently Sam has caught on to the bed time routine as well. As I went through the rest of making dinner I stumbled upon another note in the bottle cupboard.

Such a helpful boy.
 We later found out that he was being helpful in an effort to sway us into getting him a Slurpee at the Sev. Such a sly and conniving boy.


The Yuan Fam said...

I love it. I feel like I'm going to be very la-dee-da with Kade. With Maya, as soon as she turned one, no bottle and no pacifier. With Kade, he's SO freaking dependent on the pacifier that there's no chance, at least not til this new baby comes, that the pacifier is going anywhere. So, I get it!

Shauna said...

Oh my goodness this is so funny because guess what? My daughter still takes s bottle too. And I have no plans to take her from it yet because it's so easy. Actually I am very old school and probably considered to be not the best in this area, but I encourage a bottle or binky. I love them both. They are soothing, calming and soothing and calming, did I mention soothing and calming? No really, it's just easy and precious. My baby won't be two until January. Around two and a half I start thinking about it.

On your son, he's still precious and helpful no matter the motive. I love it. And I love the routine. This is such a cute post, take great care Julie,


Michelle said...

We love Goodnight Gorilla too :)

Sandy said...

Elizabeth was three when she gave up her bottle. We were on the way to California and at the California check station we told her that bottles were not allowed in California and she had to throw them all away. She did too. And she never looked back.

Sandy said...

Elizabeth was three when she gave up her bottle. We were on the way to California and at the California check station we told her that bottles were not allowed in California and she had to throw them all away. She did too. And she never looked back.

Petie Pie said...

I want a slurpee....

Becky said...

What a precious post! I love it!

Love Sam's notes too! What a great brother despite his motives.