Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Madame Lola

On Sunday night, Sam volunteered to get Lola in her jammies. He came to me,with Lola, a few minutes later saying in a spooky voice, "I can see your past and your future!"

Of course Lola thought it was funny.


Becky said...

HILARIOUS!!! What a fun older brother!

Sandy said...

Thank goodness he wasn't trying to pass her off for that strange guy in Harry Potter 1 who has his face covered with a towel the whole time.

Katie and Josh Fairbanks said...

that is hilarious! Sam is such a funny kid!

Heather said...

Lola is going to be laughing a lot, with Sam as her older brother! :) And how do you remember to take pictures of all these funny moments . . . you're an inspiration!