Monday, March 17, 2008

Book Review - The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

I must confess, this book is not my type. And I started reading it last year when Matt had checked it out from the library. (Really I checked it out for him because he had mentioned it and then I brought it home and told him to read it.) But I didn't finish it. I lost interest. This time though, my book club was reading it, so I did to.
I tricked myself into reading it by figuring out how many pages I had to read a day in order to have it read by the meeting. So I read 29 pages a day and then I got to put it down and read something else. My problem is that there is no plot. Books with out plot are really hard for me to get through. This is not to say it wasn't very interesting, because IT WAS. I recommend it. It gives you insight into human nature from Satan's (and his minions) point of view. And it is pretty comical. There were quite a few eye openers for me too. But I'd have to say that the best part was going to book club to hear what everyone else had to say about it. I loved hearing what my friends got out of it.
People - If you enjoy reading - join a book club, or start one. As someone who feels like reading is very therapeutic, talking about what I read, and hearing about what others got from reading the same thing is so awesome! I can't wait until next book club!


Holley said...

I really love this book. We are currently reading it for our "Family Home Evening" lessons. We take a chapter and discuss it and then go through various scripture references that illustrate the different points. It's been a really good experience for my family.

Kim said...

I can't wait for next book club either. By the way, after you left early from book club, things just weren't the same without you. You better not leave early ever again!

Jules said...

Julie, You are so lucky to have access to a bookclub. I started one in my ward last year, and a lot of people signed up, then they never showed. I finally gave it up because it was frustrating. There isn't one around here, so I am without.

Anonymous said...

Great work.